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  • Quantum Computers. 07/14/2017. John Martinis, professor at the University of California in Santa Barbara, the head of the Google Quantum Computing Laboratory, within the open day of the IV International Conference on Quantum Technologies (ICQT 2017), explains the principle of operation of a quantum computer. John Martinis in his speech says that the computing power of a quantum computer is growing exponentially. A quantum computer with 50 qubits has a computer capacity of 250 qubits or many trillions. Such a computer will be comparable by power to a supercomputer. But by the time it happens, you will need to improve cryptographic channels, including those that provide electronic payments.
  • International Forum CISIS 2017. From 15 to 18 June 2017 International Forum CISIS 2017 has been held in Dalian, China. Finteller LLC presented the products and solutions at company's booth at the exhibition. You can find the description here.
  • Evolution of cryptography. ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) international web-conference dedicated to modern challenges in the field of cryptography, including quantum computers, was held on 04/25/2017. The conference can be viewed at ISSA website.
  • Infosecurity. From 13 to 16 February 2017, the annual conference on information security RSA https://www.rsaconference.com was held in San Francisco. We were at this conference, watching the changes in the structure of cybercrime - increasing the mass and sophistication of threats from cybercriminals, for whom cybercrime is a business that carries out the orders of interested parties and brings a good income. Therefore, serious incidents are becoming more widespread and threatening. Detection of new types of attacks becomes more difficult, although old checked trojans and other threats are actively used. Look at some of the materials with comments.
  • Fintech. 02/11/2017. The Conference "Innovative Blockchain in Banking Sector" was held in Moscow.
  • Fintech. The second, a few times more than the first, Finteh-forum was held in Paris, the former building of the Paris Stock Exchange, January 2017. In addition to the plenary session, there were also thematic sections. Startups were represented not only by pitches, but also by small stands. Official report is on the site of the event. The main topics of the forum are disclosed here.
  • Payment technologies. In 2016, event Cartes, dedicated to payment cards and everything connected with them, changed the name to Trustech and moved from Paris to Cannes. Visitors of the exhibition had opportunity personally form their opinion in the directions of the industry development, to get acquainted with new technologies, solutions and equipment. You can find Trustech trade show news here.
  • Virtual reality. Autumn 2016, London, exhibition AppsWorld. There was no Hackaton and Fintech, but about a third of event was devoted to virtual reality technologies.
  • Innovation and development. In autumn of 2016 in Berlin, as part of the program to find new ideas, the hackaton of Deutsche Postbank AG [DE] was held. We participated in this hackaton. See the videos and photos in our gallery.
  • Infosecurity. In September 2016, the Borderless Cyber ​​Europe 2016 conference was held in Brussels. Conference materials are available on the event website. Our visit to the conference was caused by communication of information exchange between the participants of financial market in order to improve the mechanisms for exchanging information on cyber threats and ways of protection - STIX (Structured Threat Information Expression), TAXII (Trusted Automated Exchange of Indicator Information), CybOX (Cyber ​​Observable Expression). This is an open community initiative and set of free available specifications that help to automate information exchange about cyberthreats to provide information about cyber threats in standard formats. These are the standards that can be used in the programs and systems. Combination of STIX and TAXII makes easier information exchange about threats with counterparties and suppliers of products and services. It also allows to implement more efficient work of the information security service in credit organization and professional participant in financial market. The relationship between these mechanisms is clearly illustrated by the following scheme:
    stix scheme
    Current information about these standards is available on the website.
  • Mobile applications. Spring 2016, Berlin, AppsWorld. Developers of mobile applications discussed actual problems and presented their achievements. A separate section was devoted to Fintech, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Hackathon was held under the sponsorship of Deutsche Postbank AG [DE].
  • Fintech. January 2016, Paris, the first Fintech forum was held on the territory and with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France. Simultaneously with the plenary session hosted by leading experts and business representatives, the pitches of fintech startups has been in the other hall.