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Internet of Trusted Things

Smart Watches, Smart Wearables, Smart TV, Smart House, Smart Safety, Smart Security, what is the difference and what are the prospects? What means Internet of Smart Things, Internet of Hacked Things and Internet of Trusted Things?

Internet of Things means more than an Internet connection of smart things. In the coming years, Internet of Things will be one of the most important technological trends. This means the importance of the security of the Internet of things in everyday life [1]. Internet of Things technologies can be used for network attacks [2]. It confirms the need to protect at all levels including user devices, network infrastructure, data security, VPN, cloud resources. Publications at open sources, i.e. github (for example this) and of security experts (for example this, and this) demonstrate the availability for test and use of such technologies for researchers and experimenters.

Consumer security systems

The following devices can be involved in security systems at smart house
  • IP cameras, DVRs
  • Alarm systems, CCTV, DVRs
  • Motion sensors, Smart home safety kits
Such devices are widely deployed and Internet connected but Internet of Things security is often underestimated. The use of default password at IoT device is often case and can be used by hackers for army of bots. The use of “If This Then That” allows good triggers and requires human actions in incidents. IoT Hub Cloud Solutions can provide good monitoring and system audit possibilities.

Network infrastructure for network with IoT devices

IoT devices can be used not only for bots but like edge devices in monitoring and system audit functions. For example Warberry PI built for Pentests can be used for traffic monitoring [4]. But IoT devices are subjected to zero-day threats and require timely updates like the standard workstations. The level of security in protecting against network attacks depends on the devices, and the network architecture. Option of such architecture for devices on Microsoft platform is discussed for example here [6]. When building systems with IoT devices you need follow the following principles [8]
  • Persistant updating of the system
  • Protection against malicious actions
  • Regular audits
  • Physical protection of IoT infrastructure
  • Protection of credentials in the cloud
